Understanding Read Formats and Quality Controlling Data ======================================================= Note: there are generic instructions for doing quality control at the `khmer-protocols Web site `__. These should work for most Illumina data sets, even those consisting of multiple files. Below, we've done a bit of a shorthand because we only have a small data set to filter. The fastq Format ```````````````` After spending weeks, nay, months of time on designing your study and planning your bioinformatics goals (right?), you finally get the email from you sequencing center: they have your data! You get a link to an ftp server and some login information, and are presented with a list of files. But what are these formats? Most commonly, you'll get your data in fastq format. fastq is a really simple way of representing sequence in plain text which is understood by pretty much every piece of bioinformatics software. A fastq file can contain anywhere from one to billions of sequences, and is usually used for reads before they have been assembled. A faux example of the format is:: @read1 + ATCGTAGCTAGCTAGCT + DHread1 ATCGTAGGTAGGATATA fasta is usually output by assembly programs, and can be used if data has already been quality controlled and needs to be a more manageable size. However, if you're not sure what preprocessing steps your data has been through, but you have fasta instead of fastq, you'd be well-off to make sure of what those steps were. Getting the Data ```````````````` Now that you know a little about the format, let's get some data. The data set we'll be using is from everyone's favorite bacterium, E. coli. We'll use the command line tool curl to download it to our Amazon machines:: cd /mnt mkdir ecoli cd ecoli curl -O ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR390/SRR390202/SRR390202_1.fastq.gz curl -O ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR390/SRR390202/SRR390202_2.fastq.gz The data came from `this `__ study, if you're interested. To take a quick look at the files, use less:: less SRR390202_1.fastq.gz Hit 'q' to quit less. These reads are compressed with gzip to save some space, and are in two files, because they are paired -- the first read in ``SRR390202_1.fastq.gz`` is paired with the first read in ``SRR390202_2.fastq.gz`` and so on. Some programs prefer paired reads to be interleaved, that is, in the same file alternating between the first and second read pair. Many programs also require the name field in the fasta/q to explicitly state which part of a pair a read is with a /1 or /2; for example, in an interleaved file, you might have:: @SRR390202.1 M10_0139:1:2:18915:1321/1 ATCAAGAAAGATTTTAACAGCATTGAC + ECCFFFDDHGHFDHJJJJIGIDIJJJJ @SRR390202.1 M10_0139:1:2:18915:1321/2 GTTCATAGTGACAAGGTAATATTTGTC + FDFFFFHHGGIJIF?CIGJJGI@FEFH Naturally, because this is a standard, almost every program has a different way of doing it. So, be sure to double check the pairing format in your data! Getting the Dependencies ```````````````````````` Before we can work with our data, we need to grab a few more dependencies. We'll download screed, which is a simple python module for parsing fasta files developed by our lab at MSU:: pip install screed And then khmer, which is a Python interface to a really fast (and awesome) piece of software for counting k-mers, also developed by our lab (more on that later):: cd /usr/local/share git clone https://github.com/ged-lab/khmer.git cd khmer git checkout 2013-caltech-cemi make Now that we've downloaded and built khmer, we'll add it to the system's python PATH so that our scripts know where to find it:: echo 'export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/share/khmer/python' >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc Get Trimmomatic, which is used for adapter removal and quality filtering:: curl -O http://www.usadellab.org/cms/uploads/supplementary/Trimmomatic/Trimmomatic-0.30.zip unzip Trimmomatic-0.30.zip cd Trimmomatic-0.30/ cp trimmomatic-0.30.jar /usr/local/bin cp -r adapters /usr/local/share/adapters And then fastx, and its dependencies, which is another tool for quality filtering:: cd /root curl -O http://hannonlab.cshl.edu/fastx_toolkit/libgtextutils-0.6.1.tar.bz2 tar xjf libgtextutils-0.6.1.tar.bz2 cd libgtextutils-0.6.1/ ./configure && make && make install cd /root curl -O http://hannonlab.cshl.edu/fastx_toolkit/fastx_toolkit- tar xjf fastx_toolkit- cd fastx_toolkit- ./configure && make && make install And finally install FastQC:: cd /usr/local/share curl -O http://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/fastqc_v0.10.1.zip unzip fastqc_v0.10.1.zip chmod +x FastQC/fastqc Assessing your Data with FastQC ``````````````````````````````` Before you go wildly charging at your data with trimmers and filters, it's always a good idea to know what your data looks like ahead of time. The program we will use for this is FastQC, which parses the quality information from all the reads and produces handy charts and statistics:: cd /mnt/ecoli mkdir /root/Dropbox/fastqc_before /usr/local/share/FastQC/fastqc *.fastq.gz -o /root/Dropbox/fastqc_before (Before you run this, you'll need to have Dropbox working -- see :doc:`amazon/installing-dropbox`.) This will take ~15-20 minutes. Once it's done, you'll have some results in your Dropbox folder -- on your local computer, go find your Dropbox directory and look for the fastqc_report.html files -- you should have two of them, one under the folder 'SRR390202_1_fastqc' and the other under 'SRR390202_2_fastqc'. Trimming Your Data `````````````````` Based on the FastQC report for the reads, we should probably quality trim them. Although there aren't any flagged overrepresented sequences, it's good practice to filter for adapters as well, which can confound assemblers. Trimmomatic can both filter adapters and quality trim, though we'll only use it for adapter removal here:: mkdir trim cd trim java -jar /usr/local/bin/trimmomatic-0.30.jar PE ../SRR390202_1.fastq.gz ../SRR390202_2.fastq.gz s1_pe s1_se s2_pe s2_se ILLUMINACLIP:/usr/local/share/adapters/TruSeq3-PE.fa:2:30:10 fastx is an alternative which performs many of the same functions as Trimmomatic. We'll use it for quality filtering; the following flags direct its fastq_quality_filter module to keep reads if 50% of the bases have a quality score over 30:: /usr/local/share/khmer/scripts/interleave-reads.py s1_pe s2_pe > combined.fq fastq_quality_filter -Q33 -q 30 -p 50 -i combined.fq > combined-trim.fq fastq_quality_filter -Q33 -q 30 -p 50 -i s1_se > s1_se.filt We also interleaved the reads in the previous block, as fastx requires it. We'll now separate out the reads which had their pair thrown out into their own file, combine them with the output of Trimmomatic, and compress the results:: /usr/local/share/khmer/scripts/extract-paired-reads.py combined-trim.fq cat combined-trim.fq.se s1_se.filt | gzip -9c > ../SRR390202.se.qc.fq.gz gzip -9c combined-trim.fq.pe > ../SRR390202.pe.qc.fq.gz Finally, move up a directory and get rid of all the unneeded intermediate files:: cd ../ rm -fr trim Reassess Data Quality ````````````````````` Once the reads have been quality-controlled, we should check to make sure that our measures were actually helpful:: mkdir /root/Dropbox/fastqc_after /usr/local/share/FastQC/fastqc SRR390202.pe.qc.fq.gz SRR390202.se.qc.fq.gz -o /root/Dropbox/fastqc_after Check the output the same way as above.