=================== HW 5 - Solution Set =================== HW 5.1 -- Anscombe's Quartet ============================ See this IPython Notebook: `hw5-quartet-solutions `__. HW 5.2 -- variant calling ========================= To calculate the variants for the evolved set, just replace SRR098042 with SRR098038 in all of the variant calling commands:: cd /mnt curl -O ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR098/SRR098038/SRR098038.fastq.gz bwa aln REL606.fa SRR098038.fastq.gz > SRR098038.sai bwa samse REL606.fa SRR098038.sai SRR098038.fastq.gz > SRR098038.sam samtools import REL606.fa.fai SRR098038.sam SRR098038.bam samtools sort SRR098038.bam SRR098038.sorted samtools index SRR098038.sorted.bam samtools mpileup -uD -f REL606.fa SRR098038.sorted.bam | bcftools view -bvcg - > SRR098038.raw.bcf bcftools view SRR098038.raw.bcf > SRR098038.vcf You now have the variants in the original data set (SRR098042.vcf) and the evolved data set (SRR098038.vcf). Let's look at them in a little more detail: see `hw5-variant-solutions.ipynb `__. HW 5.3 -- mRNAseq differential expression ========================================= See this notebook: `hw5-mrnaseq-solutions `__.