Wed, Oct 23, 2013 - More Python; Annotation; Scripting ###################################################### Python homework =============== HW3 IPython Notebook solutions set: Prokka and annotation evaluation ================================ What does Prokka do? Basically annotation: finds non-coding and protein-coding genes; provides provisional names. Re HW3, how did we use Prokka here? Was there a clear "winner" in terms of k value? What further questions might we ask? BLAST output and parsing with Python ------------------------------------ Working with BLAST output: basic export from BLAST to CSV, and also: Automating stuff; scripting =========================== One (a major) reason why the command line has been so successful is that it's pretty easy to write software that can mixed, matched, and placed in automated pipelines at the command line. See:: for i in {19..51..2} do /mnt/prokka-1.7/bin/prokka ecoli-k${i}.fa --outdir k${i} --prefix k${i} # other commands involving ${i} done Note, this is a *completely* separate language from Python! This is shell programming, not Python programming. It is possible to mix and match them but as a rule I try to write *complicated scripts* in Python and reserve shell programming for when I'm using the command line interactively. This works for me but Your Mileage May Vary (YMMV). Shell scripts ------------- "Scripts" can be written in many different languages: shell and Python are the two you have experience with, but R also. The idea is that you just put the commands you want to run into a file and then run that file with the right command: 'bash' for shell scripts, 'python' for To try it, do:: echo "echo hello, world" > bash and:: echo "print 'hello, world'" > python ---- Creating and editing these files is tricky, however. Need to use a text editor: can use 'pico' locally (or other, more complicated editors); or TextEdit/TextWrangler remotely, then copy via Dropbox. ---- GitHub ====== Gists: place to store random "stuff". Github more generally: version controlled. Go to; make sure you're logged in; click "fork". Click edit. Make some changes. Save, with commit.